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Base Client¤

The base client exposed by the lumapps-sdk allows you to interact with the lumapps apis more easily, to do so you have 2 mains methods defined in it.

get_call method¤

The get_call method allows you to call a particular endpoint and get result. This is the main way to call the LumApps apis.

If you call a list endpoint (eg, user/list), this method will fetch all the pages an returns you all the results at once.

iter_call method¤

The iter_call is an alternative method that will fetch page by page the elements an return them in a python generator.

This can help you manage memory more efficiently.

Adding query parameters¤

To specify query parameters allong with the call you have to add them as kwargs of the get_call (or iter_call) method

For instance if you want to get a particular user identified by his email you'll do:

from lumapps.api.base_client import BaseClient
client = BaseClient(token="<your_token>")

email = "<the_user_email>"
user = client.get_call("user/get", email=email)

Adding request body parameters¤

To specify body parameters allong with the call you have to add them as a dict passed in the body parameters of the get_call method

For instance if you want to create a particular user:

from lumapps.api.base_client import BaseClient
client = BaseClient(token="<your_token>")

body = {
    "email": "",
    "accountType": "external"
saved_user = client.get_call("user/get", body=body)