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Content listing¤

The lang parameter is mandatory for this call.

You can add more filters, see apidoc

from lumapps.api.base_client import BaseClient
client = BaseClient(token="<your_token>")

contents = client.get_call("content/list", body={"lang":"en"})

Content details¤

This call is designed for content view

content = client.get_call("content/get", uid="5386179638984704")

NB: content.uid =

Content update¤

Get content with action=PAGE_EDIT to have all the relevant data.

content = client.get_call("content/get", uid="5386179638984704", action="PAGE_EDIT")

Note: the version number is used to lock the resource. You have to put the last version number of a content in version to be allowed to update a content, else a bad request: "CONTENT_NOT_UP_TO_DATE" will be returned.

Content creation¤

The simplest way to create content is to use an existing template. This template will define all design configurations.

base_template = api.get_call("template/get", uid="123456789")
# note : it's possible to use a content as well.

new_content = {
    "type": "page", # fixed
    "template": base_template[template], # copy all the structure (see below for details)
    "customContentType": base_template["customContentType"], # custom content type id
    "customer": base_template["customer"], # customer id
    "instance": base_template["instance"], # instance id
    "feedKeys": base_template["feedKeys"], # it's the `visibleBy` field in the front interface.
    "publicationDate": base_template[publicationDate],
    "title": {"en": "created content from api"},
    "slug": {"en": "create-content-from-api"}, # WARNING : should be unique per instance
    "metadata": [], # if any, provide metadata value uid

new_content_saved = client.get_call("content/save", body=new_content)

To create content on behalf of other users you have to be connected with this user.

Objects explanation¤


    "id" :"134567",
    "type":  "page",
    "status": "LIVE|ARCHIVED",
    "canonicalUrl": "https://...",
    "thumbnail" : "media library url",
    "publicationDate" : "2018-06-29T09:28:34.346124",
    "updatedAt": "2018-06-29T09:28:34.346124",
    "authorId": "23142536879786754" # set at creation time with the connected user


The canonicalUrl property contains the links that can be used to access the content.


The template property contains the whole page structure.

Widgets are directly placed in this structure.

{ "template": {
    "components": [
            "type": "row",
            "cells": [
                "type": "cell",
                    "type": "row|widget",
You should iterate over all the structure to find the correct widget to update.


A content can have a thumbnail, it's a picture associated with it and shows when listed in a content-list widget for instance.

When adding a thumbnail to a content you need to provide the blob key of the uploaded image in the thumbnail attribute. To upload and obtain that blobkey see here.

Update an existing thumbnail¤

# First get the content
content = api.get_call('content/get', uid="6448894901878784")

# Update the thumbnail field by the media blob key
new_content = {
  "thumbnail": <your_new_blob_key>

# Resave the content
client.get_call('content/save', body=new_content)


Widgets are placed in the content.template tree.

Widgets can be identified by their UUID

    "type": "widget",
    "widgetType": "contact|html|...",
    "uuid": "ca2bd99c-7b7e-11e8-8255-abba20e0e453",

Specific configurations are in properties.

Ex for an HTML widget:

    "type": "widget",
    "widgetType": "html",
    "uuid": "ca2bd99c-...",
    "properties": {
            "fr": "<p>Contenu html en français</p>",
            "en": "<p>Html text in english </p>"
        "id": "identifier set in front > style > advance",
        "class": "class set in front > style > advance",

The properties>id (or class) could be used to simplify widget access from code and communication with the design team.

Working on widgets more easily

To help you work on widget some helpers are available in the lumapps sdk

from lumapps.api.base_client import BaseClientfrom lumapps.api.helpers import widgets as widgets_helper

client = BaseClient(token="<your_token>")
content = client.get_call("content/get") # get the lumapps content

# return the first found widget with the property widgetType equal to video
video_widget = widgets_helper.find_widget(content, widgetType="video")

# return all widgets with the property widgetType equal to video
all_video_widgets = widgets_helper.find_all_widgets(content, widgetType="video")

# return the first found widgetwith the property uuid equal test
widget_with_uuid_test = widgets_helper.find_widget(content, uuid="test")

See Widgets for specific configurations.

See Global Widgets for widgets defined at the instance level.