
Rendering and replacing components

The Customizations API allows developers to render predefined components on several sections of their sites. The premise of this API is to create a set of components that can be easily used and composed, in order to render additional components to certains sections of the page, and make these types of customizations as easy as possible, while reusing LumApps code and components.

In order to understand the possibilities that we have with this API, we need to first define the different elements that compose a Customization. These components are:

  • Target: This is the component of the page that we want to use as reference for our customization. This can be considered as the X coordinate for where to place our customization, and there is a predefined list of components that are marked as targets.

  • Placement: This is where we are going to add our customization around that target. This can be considered as the Y coordinate for our customization, and the possible values for this placement depend on the component to be customized. This placement usually goes from above, under, to the left or to the right of the component, with some components having the possibility to be entirely replaced. It is also worth mentioning that not all targets are compatible with the full list of placements depicted here. More information on this on the components section.


  • Component to render: Basically this is what we want to render at the X and Y coordinates that we provided for target and placement.

As an example, inserting the following code in your LumApps site will display a message between the header and all pages:

window.lumapps.customize(({ targets, components, render, session, placement, constants }) => {
    const { Message } = components;
    const { Kind } = constants;

        placement: placement.ABOVE,
        target: targets.PAGE,
        toRender: Message({
            className: 'general-message',
            children: 'Message above all pages',
            hasBackground: true,

Target Page Placement Above

Disabling components

This API allows disabling certain components, which will prevent them from displaying on the page, as well as avoiding any XHR requests or downloaded JS that may be related to the disabled component.

In some scenarios, disabling a component might need some extra CSS added to the page in order to adapt the customized UI to the expected outcome. In order scenarios, components can be disabled from a visual perspective, but XHR requests related to the component will still be executed. This is usually related to replacing a given component with a custom one, while reusing the data retrieved from the backend. More information on this on the components section.

As an example, inserting the following code in your LumApps site will disable the Contribution button located on the top bar.


Before executing the code:

Before Disabling Contribution button

After executing the code:

After Disabling Contribution button

Changing displayed text

In a specific set of components, developers have the possibility to change the main text displayed on a specific component.

For example, executing the following snippet will change the placeholder displayed on the Search box from Search to Explore, located at the top bar:

window.lumapps.setText('search-box', {
    en: 'Explore',
    fr: 'Explorer',
    es: 'Explorar'

Set text search box


Here you will find the list of all the components that can be customized on LumApps, with the following information:

  • Description of the component to customize, and the ID associated to it.
  • Whether the component is compatible with the aforementioned features
  • Possible use cases for the target.


Target that allows customizing the surroundings of your LumApps application.

Target application


Target ID app
Description Target that encapsulates the entire LumApps application.
Placements Compatible with placements: ABOVE, RIGHT, LEFT *
Disable No compatibility
Changing text No compatibility

Note: Using the RIGHT and LEFT placements will make the custom component display at either the left top hand side or the right hand side of the application with a position: absolute; and either right: 0; or left: 0;. Furthermore, components will be added as siblings of the main content of the application

Use cases


Target that allows customizing the bookmarks (also known as App launcher) component

Target Bookmarks


Target ID bookmarks
Description Target that focuses on the bookmarks (app launcher) icon on the top bar of your site
Placements No compatibility
Disable Can be disabled. Disabling this component prevents the icon from being displayed on the top bar
Changing text No compatibility

Use cases


Target that allows customizing the surroundings of a community page.

Target Community


Target ID community
Description Target that focuses on the Community page. Adding a customization to this target would mean that ALL communities will display it.
Placements Compatible with placements: ABOVE, UNDER. For ABOVE, the customization will appear between the header of the application and the main section of the community
Disable No compatibility
Changing text No compatibility

Use cases


Target that allows customizing the surroundings of a Content page.

Target Content


Target ID content
Description Target that focuses on the Content page. Adding a customization to this target would mean that ALL contents will display it.
Placements Compatible with placements: ABOVE, UNDER. For ABOVE, the customization will appear between the header of the application and the main section of the content
Disable No compatibility
Changing text No compatibility

Use cases

Contextual actions

Target that allows customizing the surroundings of the contextual actions displayed on content pages.

Target Contextual Actions


Target ID contextual-actions
Description Target that focuses on the Contextual actions, adding new custom actions.
Placements Compatible with placements: ABOVE, UNDER. Custom actions will be added as siblings of the out-of-the-box-actions
Disable No compatibility
Changing text No compatibility

Use cases

Contribution button

Target that allows customizing the contribution button located on the top bar of your site.

Target Contribution Button


Target ID contribution-button
Description Target that focuses on the Contribution button on the top bar.
Placements Compatible with placements: LEFT, RIGHT. Customizations are added as siblings of the contribution button.
Disable Can be disabled. Disabling this feature will make the button hidden for all users
Changing text No compatibility

Use cases

Contribution menu

Target that allows customizing the contribution menu displayed once the contribution button has been clicked.

Target Contribution Menu


Target ID contribution-menu
Description Target that focuses on the Contribution Menu displayed from the contribution button.
Placements Compatible with placements: ABOVE, UNDER. Customizations are added as siblings of the other actions in the menu
Disable No compatibility
Changing text No compatibility

Use cases


Target that allows customizing the directory page.

Target Directory


Target ID directory
Description Target that focuses on the Directory page.
Placements Compatible with placements: ABOVE, UNDER.
Disable No compatibility
Changing text No compatibility

Use cases


Target that allows customizing the favorites directories displayed on the top bar.

Target Favorites


Target ID favorites
Description Target for the favorites directories displayed at the top bar.
Placements No compatibility
Disable Can be disabled. Disabling this features hides ALL directories flagged as “Manage favorites”.
Changing text No compatibility

Target that allows customizing the entire header of the application, which englobes the top bar (logo, search box, notifications), the navigation of the site as well as the site’s slideshow.

Target Header


Target ID header
Description Target for the header of your site.
Placements No compatibility
Disable No compatibility
Changing text No compatibility

Target that allows customizing the surroundings of the site’s logo.


Target ID logo
Description Target for the logo of your site.
Placements Compatible with placements: LEFT, RIGHT. Customizations will be added as siblings of the Logo
Disable No compatibility
Changing text No compatibility

Use cases

Target that allows customizing the main navigation of your site, which is the first navigation displayed on your top bar.

Target Navigation


There are two targets that focus on the main navigation, each of them have a different end result.

Target ID navigation
Description Target for the entire main navigation feature of your site.
Placements Compatible with placements: LEFT, RIGHT (customizations will be added as siblings of the other navigation items displayed) and ABOVE, UNDER ( Customizations will be added as siblings of the navigation itself)
Disable Can be disabled**.
Changing text No compatibility

Note:: Disabling this feature prevents the navigation from being displayed on the site, removing the entire section from your page and avoiding any XHR requests to retrieve the data. Some additional CSS is needed in order to make this customization work as expected

Target ID navigation-ui
Description Target for your site’s main navigation interface.
Placements No compatibility
Disable Can be disabled**
Changing text No compatibility

Note: Disabling this feature prevents the navigation from being displayed on the site, removing the entire section from your page, BUT the navigation is still fetched so it can be reused for rendering a custom navigation. Some additional CSS is needed in order to make this customization work as expected

Use cases

Notifications button

Targets that allows customizing the notifications center button

Target Notifications button


Target ID notifications-button
Description Target for the notifications button located on the top bar.
Placements Compatible with placements: LEFT, RIGHT. Customizations will be added as siblings of the notifications button
Disable No compatibility
Changing text No compatibility

Use cases


Target that allows customizing pages on your site. This specific target allows developers to display a customization on all pages no matter whether they are the search page, the user profile page or more dynamic pages like content pages and community pages.


Target ID page
Description Target all pages of your site.
Placements Compatible with placements: ABOVE, UNDER. Customizations will be added as siblings of the current page*.
Disable No compatibility
Changing text No compatibility

Note: If there is another customization in place that targets more specific targets like Content or Community, the page customization is displayed above and below these customizations.

Use cases

Organization chart

Target that allows customizing the user organization chart.

Target user organization chart


Target ID user-profile-org-chart
Description Target the organization chart section of a user’s profile.
Placements Compatible with placements: ABOVE, UNDER. Customizations will be added as siblings of the displayed user’s organization chart.
Disable No compatibility
Changing text No compatibility


  • The User space feature flag must be enabled in order to access the new user profile experience.
  • The displayed user’s data can be retrieved using context.

User Directory

Target that allows customizing the user directory page.

Target User Directory


Target ID user-directory
Description Target that focuses on the User Directory page.
Placements Compatible with placements: ABOVE, UNDER.
Disable No compatibility
Changing text No compatibility

Use cases

Target that allows customizing the search page.

Target search


Target ID search
Description Target the search page.
Placements Compatible with placements: ABOVE, UNDER. Customizations will be added as siblings of the search page.
Disable No compatibility
Changing text No compatibility

Use cases

Target that allows customizing the search box located at the top bar.

Target search box


Target ID search-box
Description Target the search box at the top bar.
Placements Compatible with placements: LEFT, RIGHT. Customizations will be added as siblings of the search box.
Disable Can be disabled. Disabling this component hides the search box and all features related to search.
Changing text Can be changed. The text displayed on the search box placeholder can be changed by using the change text functionality.

Use cases

Search custom metadata

Target that allows customizing the search custom metadata.


Target ID search-custom-metadata
Description Target the search custom metadata.
Placements No compatibility
Disable No compatibility.
Changing text No compatibility.

Use cases

Settings button

Target that allows customizing the settings icon displayed on the top bar.

Target settings button


Target ID settings-button
Description Target the settings icon on the top bar.
Placements Compatible with placements: LEFT, RIGHT. Customizations will be added as siblings of the settings icon.
Disable No compatibility
Changing text No compatibility

Use cases

Settings dropdown

Target that allows customizing the settings links displayed on the dropdown triggered by the settings button.

Target settings dropdown


Target ID profile
Description Target the user profile page.
Placements Compatible with placements: ABOVE, UNDER. Customizations will be added as siblings of the user profile page.
Disable No compatibility
Changing text No compatibility

Note: Customizations added to this target will only be visible to those users that have access to one of the multiple settings displayed on the dropdown. If a user does not have access to this icon, the customizations will not be displayed

Use cases

Target that allows deactivating that your site’s header has a sticky behaviour, meaning that it will stick to the top of your page while the user is scrolling.

Target Sticky header


Target ID sticky-header
Description Target that allows disabling the sticky header *
Placements No compatibility
Disable No compatibility
Changing text No compatibility

Note: some extra CSS needs to be added in order to make this customization have the expected result

Use cases

Target that allows customizing the sub navigation of your site, which is the second navigation displayed on your top bar when your site has a parent site and the navigation inheritance feature is activated

Target Sub Navigation


There are two targets that focus on the sub navigation, each of them have a different end result.

Target ID sub-navigation
Description Target for the entire sub navigation feature of your site *.
Placements Compatible with placements: LEFT, RIGHT (customizations will be added as siblings of the other navigation items displayed) and ABOVE, UNDER ( customizations will be added as siblings of the navigation itself)
Disable Can be disabled.
Changing text No compatibility

Note: Disabling this feature prevents the navigation from being displayed on the site, removing the entire section from your page and avoiding any XHR requests to retrieve the data. Some additional CSS is needed in order to make this customization work as expected

Target ID sub-navigation-ui
Description Target for your site’s sub navigation interface.
Placements No compatibility
Disable Can be disabled. *
Changing text No compatibility

Note: Disabling this feature prevents the navigation from being displayed on the site, removing the entire section from your page, BUT the navigation is still fetched so it can be reused for rendering a custom navigation. Some additional CSS is needed in order to make this customization work as expected

Use cases


Dynamic target that allows customizing the surroundings of a widget in the Next Gen Interface.


  • This is only compatible with pages rendered in the Next Gen Interface.
  • This target should only be used for customizing an existing widget. For creating new custom widgets, please create an extension


Target ID widget-{<id>} *
Description Dynamic target that allows customizing the surroundings of a [widget]
Placements Compatible with placements: ABOVE, UNDER **
Disable No compatibility
Changing text No compatibility


  • id can be retrieved by inspecting the HTML of your content and retrieving the id. Without the id, the target will be considered as invalid
  • id can also be the identifier that can be added from the widget’s c

Target Widget NGI

  • Additional CSS might be needed, depending on the nature of your customization and the layout of your content page

Use cases

Widget - Legacy Interface

Dynamic target that allows customizing the surroundings of a widget in the Legacy Interface


  • This is only compatible with pages rendered in the Legacy interface.
  • This is only compatible with HTML widgets
  • This target should only be used for customizing an existing widget. For creating new custom widgets, please create an extension


Target ID widget-{<id>} *
Description Dynamic target that allows customizing the surroundings of a [widget]
Placements Compatible with placements: ABOVE, UNDER **
Disable No compatibility
Changing text No compatibility


  • id can be retrieved by inspecting the HTML of your widget and retrieving the id from the surrounding container of the widget. Without the id, the target will be considered as invalid

Target Widget Legacy

  • Additional CSS might be needed, depending on the nature of your customization and the layout of your content page

Use cases