The main entrypoint of this API is the object window.lumapps. On this object, the following functions are available:


window.lumapps.customize(callback, configuration)

Where callback is a function that will receive a set of parameters and returns void. These are the parameters that the callback function expects:

Parameter Description
targets The different targets that can be customized on your site.
placement The different placements that can be used for positioning components on your site.
components A group of components that can be used for customizing your site.
constants A group of variables that hold the different constants that can be used for creating components on your site.
render Function that allows rendering a component in a specific placement and target. See more details for this function here.
session Object that contains several values from the current session that can be useful when creating customizations. See more details for this function here.
onNavigation Function that will be executed once any widget in a content is rendered. See more details for this function here
onWidgetRendered Function that will be executed once the application has performed a navigation. See more details for this function here
api Axios instance that allows the developer to execute AJAX requests. See more details for this function here

And configuration is an object that allows these properties:

Parameter Description
shouldRenderOnNavigation whether the customization callback should be executed upon navigation. If true, the callback will be executed on every navigation that the application executes. IMPORTANT: Please make sure that this option applies and is needed to your use case in order to avoid having an unnecessary performance impact. Normally you would not need to set it to true
shouldRenderOnNavigation if the customization uses data from the current content (by executing window.lumapps.getCurrentContent()). As of right now, other than that use case, shouldRenderOnNavigation should always be false.


targets is a key/value object that holds the available targets that can be customized on LumApps. This variable allows developers to avoid figuring out which ids to use in order to customize a specific target, and it also defines the available targets that can be customized. As of now, these are the values for this object:

Target Description Compatibilities
targets.APP Target id for application Documentation
targets.BOOKMARKS Target id for the bookmarks/app launcher component Documentation
targets.COMMUNITY Target id for the community pages Documentation
targets.CONTENT Target id for the content page Documentation
targets.CONTEXTUAL_ACTIONS Target id for the contextual actions menu on the right hand side of a content page. Documentation
targets.CONTRIBUTION_MENU Target id for the contribution menu. Documentation
targets.CONTRIBUTION_BUTTON Target id for the contribution button. Documentation
targets.FAVORITES Target id for the favorite directories. Documentation
targets.DIRECTORY Target id for the directory. Documentation
targets.HEADER Target id for the site’s header. Documentation
targets.LOGO Target id for the site’s logo. Documentation
targets.NAVIGATION Target id for the main navigation. Documentation
targets.LOGO Target id for the site’s logo. Documentation
targets.NAVIGATION Target id for the main navigation. Documentation
targets.NAVIGATION_UI Target id for the main navigation’s UI. Documentation
targets.NOTIFICATIONS_BUTTON Target id for the notifications center component. Documentation
targets.PAGE Target id for all pages. Documentation
targets.PROFILE Target id for the profile page. Documentation
targets.SEARCH Target id for the search page. Documentation
targets.SEARCH_BOX Target id for the search box. Documentation
targets.SEARCH_CUSTOM_METADATA Target id for search custom metadata. Documentation
targets.SETTINGS Target id for the settings menu. Documentation
targets.SETTINGS_BUTTON Target id for the settings icon on the top bar. Documentation
targets.STICKY_HEADER Target id for the sticky header. Documentation
targets.SUB_NAVIGATION Target id for the sub navigation. Documentation
targets.SUB_NAVIGATION_UI Target id for the sub navigation’s UI. Documentation
targets.WIDGET Target id for a widget. Documentation
targets.USER_DIRECTORY Target id for the user directory. Documentation

widget target

The Widget target needs to be used in combination with a widget id. The final target passed in into the render function should be ${targets.WIDGET}-${widget-id}.

window.lumapps.customize(({ targets, components, render, placement, constants }) => {
    const { Message } = components;
    const { Kind } = constants;

        placement: placement.ABOVE,
        target: 'widget-2452456502u0596839-468345',
        toRender: Message({
            className: 'widget-message',
            kind: Kind.info,
            children: 'Message above the widget 5251881089236992',
            hasBackground: true,

You can also use the identifier that can be added into the Style configuration on your widget while editing a content as a target for rendering customizations. The final target passed in into the render function should be ${targets.WIDGET}-${identifier}.

Widget identifier

window.lumapps.customize(({ targets, components, render, placement, constants }) => {
    const { Message } = components;
    const { Kind } = constants;

        placement: placement.ABOVE,
        target: 'widget-estimate-reading-time',
        toRender: Message({
            className: 'widget-message',
            kind: Kind.info,
            children: 'Message above the widget estimate-reading-time',
            hasBackground: true,


placement is a key/value object that holds the available placements that can be used for customizing LumApps.

This variable allows developers to avoid figuring out which ids to use in order to customize a specific target, and it also defines the available palcements that can be customized. As of now, these are the values for this object:

Placement Description
placement.ABOVE Places the customized component at the top of the target.
placement.UNDER Places the customized component at the bottom of the target.
placement.LEFT Places the customized component at the left of the target.
placement.RIGHT Places the customized component at the right of the target.
placement.REPLACE Replaces the target for the customized component.

Note: not all placements are compatible with every single target. Please take a look at this compatibility in the capabilities documentation.



Component Avatar

window.lumapps.customize(({ components, constants }) => {
    const { Avatar } = components;
    const { Size } = constants;

    const component = Avatar({
        image: 'https://url.to.image.com',
        size: Size.s,
        className: 'avatar-custom-css-class'

Avatar options:

Option Description Is required? Option type Default Value
image Url of the image to be used when rendering the avatar Yes string undefined
size Size of the avatar. No Size Size.m
className CSS class that will be applied directly into the wrapper container. No string or css classes undefined


Component Badge

window.lumapps.customize(({ components, constants }) => {
    const { Badge } = components;
    const { ColorPalette } = constants;

    const component = Badge({
        color: ColorPalette.red,
        className: 'badge-custom-css-class',
        children: '4'

Badge options:

Option Description Is required? Option type Default Value
children String that will be displayed as the content of the badge. Yes string undefined
size Size of the avatar. No Size Size.m
className CSS class that will be applied directly into the wrapper container. No string or css classes undefined


Component Button

window.lumapps.customize(({ components, constants }) => {
    const { Button } = components;
    const { Size, ColorPalette, Emphasis } = constants;

    const onClick = () => {
        console.log('on button click!')

    const component = Button({
        children: 'Help',
        className: 'button-custom-css-class',
        leftIcon: 'help',
        emphasis: Emphasis.low,

Button options:

Option Description Is required? Option type Default Value
children String that will be displayed as the content of the button. Yes string undefined
aria-label Aria label to be displayed on the rendered button. Yes string undefined
size Size of the button. No Size Size.m
className CSS class that will be applied directly into the wrapper container. No string or css classes undefined
color Color to be used for the button component. No ColorPalette ColorPalette.primary
onClick The callback to execute when clicking on this item. No function undefined
emphasis Emphasis variant. No Emphasis Emphasis.high
hasBackground Whether or not the button has a background color. No boolean false
isDisabled Whether the component should be displayed in a disabled state or not. No boolean false
name Native button name property. No string undefined
href Native anchorproperty. Renders a <button> or an <a> accordingly. No string undefined
target To be used in combination with href No "_self" or "_blank" or "_parent" or "_top". undefined
type Native button type. No string undefined
leftIcon Mdi icon id to be displayed on the left hand side of the button. No icon undefined
rightIcon Mdi icon id to be displayed on the right hand side of the button. No icon undefined


Component Chip

window.lumapps.customize(({ components, constants }) => {
    const { Chip, Icon } = components;
    const { Size, ColorPalette, Emphasis } = constants;

    const onAfterClick = () => {
        console.log('on after chip click!')

    const onClick = () => {
        console.log('on chip click!')

    const component = Chip({
        className: 'chip-custom-css-class',
        after: Icon({ icon: 'close' }),
        emphasis: Emphasis.low,
        color: ColorPalette.primary,
        children: 'Chip',

Chip options:

Option Description Is required? Option type Default Value
children String that will be displayed as the content of the Chip. Yes string undefined
size Size of the component. No Size Size.m
className CSS class that will be applied directly into the wrapper container. No string or css classes undefined
color Color to be used for the component. No ColorPalette ColorPalette.light
aria-label Aria label to be displayed on the rendered button. Yes string undefined
onClick The callback to execute when clicking on this item. No function undefined
emphasis Emphasis variant. No Emphasis Emphasis.high
hasBackground Whether or not the button has a background color. No boolean false
after Component that will be rendered inside the compononent but after children. No boolean false
before Component that will be rendered inside the compononent but before children. No boolean false
isDisabled Whether the component should be displayed in a disabled state or not. No boolean false
isHighlighted Whether the component should be displayed in a highlighted state or not. No boolean false


Component ContextualAction

window.lumapps.customize(({ targets, components, render, placement, constants }) => {
    const { ContextualAction } = components;
     * This retrieves the current displayed content, so it can be used as input for creating the customization.
    const currentContent = window.lumapps.getCurrentContent();

        placement: placement.UNDER,
        target: targets.CONTEXTUAL_ACTIONS,
        toRender: ContextualAction({
            /** The action label. */
            labelKey: 'Action',
            /** The action icon to display in the contextual menu. */
            icon: 'content-copy',
            /** Whether or not the action is disabled. */
            isDisabled: false,
            /** Whether the action should appear selected or not. */
            isSelected: false,
            /** The action tooltip. */
            tooltipLabelKey: 'Do something',
            /** Since we are displaying a link and not a clickable action, we pass link properties to the `action` property in order to configure our link */
            action: {
                href: `https://external.url.com/content/${currentContent.id}`,
                target: '_blank',

ContextualAction options:

Option Description Is required? Option type Default Value
labelKey The action label. Yes string undefined
icon Mdi icon id to be displayed on the left hand side of the button. Yes icon undefined
action Object or function that will determine what the action does. Yes function () => void; undefined
action.href URL where the user will be redirected if they click on the action Yes string undefined
action.target URL target No "_self" or "_blank" or "_parent" or "_top". undefined
isDisabled Whether the component should be displayed in a disabled state or not. No boolean false
isSelected Whether the action should appear selected or not. No boolean false
tooltipLabelKey The action tooltip. No string undefined


Component Icon Button

window.lumapps.customize(({ components, constants }) => {
    const { Button } = components;
    const { Size, ColorPalette, Emphasis } = constants;

    const onClick = () => {
        console.log('on icon button click!')

    const component = IconButton({
        className: 'icon-button-custom-css-class',
        icon: 'help',
        emphasis: Emphasis.low,
        color: ColorPalette.primary,

IconButton options:

Option Description Is required? Option type Default Value
icon Mdi icon id to be displayed. Yes icon undefined
aria-label Aria label to be displayed on the rendered button. Yes string undefined
size Size of the component. No Size Size.m
className CSS class that will be applied directly into the wrapper container. No string or css classes undefined
color Color to be used for the button component. No ColorPalette ColorPalette.primary
onClick The callback to execute when clicking on this item. No function undefined
emphasis Emphasis variant. No Emphasis Emphasis.high
hasBackground Whether or not the button has a background color. No boolean false
isDisabled Whether the component should be displayed in a disabled state or not. No boolean false
name Native button name property. No string undefined
href Native anchorproperty. Renders a <button> or an <a> accordingly. No string undefined
target To be used in combination with href No "_self" or "_blank" or "_parent" or "_top". undefined
type Native button type. No string undefined


Component Icon

window.lumapps.customize(({ components, constants }) => {
    const { Icon } = components;
    const { Size, ColorPalette } = constants;

    const component = Icon({
        className: 'icon-custom-css-class',
        icon: 'help',
        color: ColorPalette.primary,
        hasShape: true,

Icon options:

Option Description Is required? Option type Default Value
icon Mdi icon id to be displayed. Yes icon undefined
size Size of the component. No Size Size.m
className CSS class that will be applied directly into the wrapper container. No string or css classes undefined
color Color to be used for the button component. No ColorPalette ColorPalette.primary
hasShape Boolean that represents whether or not the button has a round shape around it or not. No boolean false


The FlexBox component is a helper component that allows displaying multiple components using a flexbox display, in order to minimize the amount of CSS that needs to be added in order to display your components in a certain way.

window.lumapps.customize(({ components, constants }) => {
    const { Chip, Icon, FlexBox } = components;
    const { Orientation } = constants;

    const component = FlexBox({
        children: [
            Chip({ children: 'Chip 1' }),
            Chip({ children: 'Chip 2' }),
            Chip({ children: 'Chip 3' }),
        orientation: Orientation.horizontal

FlexBox options:

Option Description Is required? Option type Default Value
children Single component or list of components that will be rendered inside the FlexBox component. Yes Component or Component[] undefined
orientation Orientation to be used for displaying the provided components. No Orientation undefined
className CSS class that will be applied directly into the wrapper container. No string or css classes undefined
fillSpace Boolean that determines whether the “content filling space” is enabled or not. No boolean false
noShrink Boolean that determines whether the “content shrink” is disabled or not. No boolean false
wrap Boolean that determines whether the “flex wrap” is enabled or not. No boolean false
gapSize Boolean that determines whether the “flex wrap” is enabled or not. No boolean undefined
hAlign Flex horizontal alignment. No Alignment undefined
vAlign Flex vertical alignment. No Alignment undefined

Component Dropdown

window.lumapps.customize(({ components }) => {
    const { DropdownSection, DropdownItem, Dropdown } = components;

    const component = Dropdown({
            children: DropdownSection({
                children: [
                        title: 'Google Drive',
                        icon: 'google-drive',
                        href: 'https://drive.google.com/',
                        title: 'Google Docs',
                        icon: 'text-box',
                        href: 'https://docs.google.com/document',
                        title: 'Google Slides',
                        icon: 'play-box-outline',
                        href: 'https://docs.google.com/presentation/',
                header: 'Google',
            label: 'Utils',

Dropdown options:

Option Description Is required? Option type Default Value
children Single component or list of components that will be rendered inside the Dropdown component. Yes Component or Component[] undefined
label String to be displayed on the button that triggers the dropdown. Yes string undefined
className CSS class that will be applied directly into the wrapper container. No string or css classes undefined
buttonProps Properties that will be passed to the button component that triggers the dropdwon. No button options undefined
onClose Callback to be executed once the dropdown is closed. No function () => void undefined
closeOnClickAway Boolean that determines whether a click anywhere out of the Dropdown would close it or not. No boolean false
closeOnClick Boolean that determines whether to close the Dropdown when clicking in it or not. No boolean false
closeOnEscape Boolean that determines whether an escape key press would close the Dropdown or not. No boolean false

DropdownSection options:

Option Description Is required? Option type Default Value
children Single component or list of components that will be rendered inside the DropdownSection component. Yes Component or Component[] undefined
header Text that will be displayed as the title of the dropdown section. Yes string undefined

DropdownItem options:

Option Description Is required? Option type Default Value
title Text to be displayed on the DropdownItem component. Yes string undefined
href Link that the user will be redirected to when the dropdown item is clicked. Yes string undefined
onClick Callback to be executed when clicking on this item. No function () => void undefined
icon Mdi icon id to be displayed. No icon undefined
className CSS class that will be applied directly into the wrapper container. No string or css classes undefined
openInNewTab Boolean that determines whether the link should be opened in a new tab. No boolean false

Component Link

window.lumapps.customize(({ components }) => {
    const { Link } = components;

    const component = Link({
        children: 'Link text',
        href: 'https://google.com',

Link options:

Option Description Is required? Option type Default Value
children Text to be displayed on the Link component. Yes string undefined
href Link that the user will be redirected to when the link is clicked. Yes string undefined
color Color to be used for the button component. No ColorPalette ColorPalette.primary
target To be used in combination with href No "_self" or "_blank" or "_parent" or "_top". undefined


Component List

window.lumapps.customize(({ targets, components, constants }) => {
    const { List, ListItem, ListDivider, ListSubheader, Icon } = components;
    const { Size } = constants;

    const onCopyClick = () => {
        console.log('on copy clicked');

    const component = List({
        children: [
            ListSubheader({ children: 'Copy Actions' }),
                children: 'Copy',
                'aria-label': 'Copy',
                size: Size.tiny,
                onItemSelected: onCopyClick,
                href: '/copy'
                before: Icon({
                    icon: 'content-copy',
                    size: Size.xs,
            ListSubheader({ children: 'Share' }),
                children: 'Share to Slack',
                'aria-label': 'Share to Slack',
                size: Size.tiny,
                before: Icon({
                    icon: 'share',
                    size: Size.xs,
                children: 'Share to Linkedin',
                'aria-label': 'Share to Linkedin',
                size: Size.tiny,
                before: Icon({
                    icon: 'share',
                    size: Size.xs,

List options:

Option Description Is required? Option type Default Value
children Single component or list of components that will be rendered inside the List component. Yes Component or Component[] undefined
className CSS class that will be applied directly into the wrapper container. No string or css classes undefined

ListDivider has no options.

ListSubheader options:

Option Description Is required? Option type Default Value
children Text that will be displayed inside the ListSubheader. Yes string undefined
className CSS class that will be applied directly into the wrapper container. No string or css classes undefined

ListItem options:

Option Description Is required? Option type Default Value
children String that will be rendered inside the list item. Yes string undefined
className CSS class that will be applied directly into the wrapper container. No string or css classes undefined
after Component that will be rendered inside the list item but after children. No Component undefined
before Component that will be rendered inside the list item but before children. No Component undefined
className CSS class that will be applied directly into the wrapper container. No string or css classes undefined
onItemSelected Callback to be executed when clicking on this item. No function () => void undefined
isDisabled Whether the component should be displayed in a disabled state or not. No boolean false
size Size of the component. No Size Size.m
isHighlighted Whether the component should be displayed in a highlighted state or not. No boolean false


Component Message

window.lumapps.customize(({ components, constants }) => {
    const { Message } = components;
    const { Kind } = constants;

    const component = Message({
        className: 'general-message',
        kind: Kind.info,
        children: 'Message above all pages',
        hasBackground: true,

Message options:

Option Description Is required? Option type Default Value
children String that will be rendered inside the message. Yes string undefined
kind Message kind, which will determine the look and feel of the final rendered component. Yes Kind undefined
className CSS class that will be applied directly into the wrapper container. No string or css classes undefined
hasBackground Whether or not the button has a background color. No boolean false


The Card component is a simple layout component used to display content in a frame with a default background and padding.

Component Card

window.lumapps.customize(({ components, constants }) => {
    const { Card } = components;
    const { Kind } = constants;

    const component = Card({
        className: 'general-card',
        children: 'Card content',
        as: 'section',


Card options:

Option Description Is required? Option type Default Value
children Single component or list of components that will be rendered inside the Card component. Yes Component or Component[] undefined
className CSS class that will be applied directly into the wrapper container. No string or css classes undefined
as The element to use instead of section No string article


RawHTML is a helper component that can be used when we need to render a specific HTML structure that cannot be achieved without using the out-of-the-box components of the Customizations API. It is definitely a powerful component, since it allows rendering any HTML whatsoever. However, since it does not use anything from the provided components, the HTML generated does not reuse any styles and does not maintain a visual coherence with the page and the other components displayed on it.

If you are looking for a component to render simple text HTML tags like span, p or h1, please take a look at the Text component.

window.lumapps.customize(({ components }) => {
    const { RawHTML } = components;

    const component = RawHTML({
        html: '<div>This is a custom HTML</div>'

RawHTML options:

Option Description Is required? Option type Default Value
html HTML to render. Yes string undefined
className CSS class that will be applied directly into the wrapper container. No string or css classes undefined


window.lumapps.customize(({ components, constants }) => {
    const { Text } = components;
    const { ColorPalette, Typography } = constants;

    const component = Text({
        children: 'Hello!',
        color: ColorPalette.blue,
        textAs: 'h2',

Text options:

Option Description Is required? Option type Default Value
children Text to be displayed. Yes string undefined
children Text to be displayed. Yes string undefined
textAs HTML tag to use for the displayed text. No span, p, h1, h2, h3, h4.., ‘label’ undefined
className CSS class that will be applied directly into the wrapper container. No string or css classes undefined
color Color to be used for the button component. No ColorPalette ColorPalette.primary
typography Typography variant. No Typography Typography.body1


Component Thumbnail

window.lumapps.customize(({ components, constants }) => {
    const { Thumbnail } = components;
    const { Size, ThumbnailVariant } = constants;

    const component = Thumbnail({
        image: 'https://url.to.image',
        size: Size.m,
        variant: ThumbnailVariant.rounded,

Thumbnail options:

Option Description Is required? Option type Default Value
image URL of the image to be displayed. Yes string undefined
className CSS class that will be applied directly into the wrapper container. No string or css classes undefined
size Size of the component. No Size Size.m
variant Border variant for the image. No ThumbnailVariant undefined


Component Dialog

window.lumapps.customize(({ components }) => {
    const { RawHTML, Dialog } = components;

   const component = Dialog({
        isOpen: true,
        header: RawHTML({ html: '<span class="lumx-typography-title">Welcome to your site\'s on boarding message!</span>' }),
        accept: {
            label: 'OK',
            onClick: onAccept,
        body: RawHTML({
            html: `
                    A warm welcome and lots of good wishes on becoming part of our growing team. Congratulations and on behalf of all the members. We are all happy and excited about your inputs and contribution to our company!

Dialog options:

Option Description Is required? Option type Default Value
body Single component or list of components that will be rendered inside the Dialog component. Yes Component or Component[] undefined
header Single component or string that will be rendered at the top of the modal, as the header. Yes Component or Component[] undefined
accept Options that will impact the look and feel of the button displayed on the right bottom side of the page. Yes Button undefined
accept.label Text that will be displayed inside the button. If not set, the button is not rendered. Yes string undefined
cancel Options that will impact the look and feel of the button displayed on the right bottom side of the page. Yes Button undefined
cancel.label Text that will be displayed inside the button. If not set, the button is not rendered. Yes string undefined
isOpen Whether the modal should be opened or not. No boolean false
onClose Callback to be executed once the modal is closed. No function () => void undefined
size Size of the component. No Size Size.m

IMPORTANT: The Dialog component is meant to be used only one time during the life cycle of a user’s session. Meaning that this Dialog will be displayed, the user will close it, and the Dialog will not display again during the user’s session. Reusing a Dialog and displaying it multiple times once it has already been closed is not supported.


Skeleton are primitives shapes which mimic a piece of content in a recognizable way. It communicate loading states. There are three variants:

Circular Skeleton:

Component Skeleton circle

window.lumapps.customize(({ components, constants }) => {
    const { SkeletonCircle } = components;
    const { Size } = constants;

   const component = SkeletonCircle({
        size: Size.m,
Option Description Is required? Option type Default Value
size Size of the component. No Size Size.m

Rectangular Skeleton:

Component Skeleton rectangular

window.lumapps.customize(({ components, constants }) => {
    const { SkeletonRectangle } = components;
    const { Size } = constants;

   const component = SkeletonRectangle({
        width: Size.m,
        height: Size.m,
Option Description Is required? Option type Default Value
width Width of the component. Yes Size undefined
height Height of the component. Yes Size undefined
variant Variant of the component. Yes squared or rounded or pill squared

Typography Skeleton:

Component Skeleton Typography

window.lumapps.customize(({ components, constants }) => {
    const { SkeletonTypography } = components;
    const { Typography } = constants;

   const component = SkeletonTypography({
        typography: Typography.headline,
Option Description Is required? Option type Default Value
typography Typography variant. Yes Typography undefined



window.lumapps.customize(({ constants }) => {
    const { Alignment } = constants;
Option Description
Alignment.bottom Aligns items to the bottom of the flexbox container.
Alignment.center Aligns items to the center of the flexbox container.
Alignment.top Aligns items to the top of the flexbox container.
Alignment.end Aligns items at the end of the flexbox container.
Alignment.start Aligns items at the start of the flexbox container.
Alignment.spaceBetween Distributes items evenly. The first item is flush with the start, the last is flush with the end.
Alignment.spaceAround Distributes items evenly. Items have a half-size space on either end.


window.lumapps.customize(({ constants }) => {
    const { ColorPalette } = constants;

ColorPalette is a key/value object that provides the possible colors for a component.

Option Description Color
ColorPalette.primary Will use the primary color that has been set for your site.  
ColorPalette.secondary Will use the secondary color that has been set for your site.  
ColorPalette.dark Will use the dark theme as the color the component. This is the default value for all components. image
ColorPalette.light Will use the light theme as the color of the component. Best used when the background container has a very dark color. image
ColorPalette.yellow Will use the yellow LumApps color as the color of the component. image
ColorPalette.blue Will use the blue LumApps color as the color of the component. image
ColorPalette.red Will use the red LumApps color as the color of the component. image
ColorPalette.green Will use the green LumApps color as the color of the component. image
ColorPalette.grey Will use the grey LumApps color as the color of the component. image


window.lumapps.customize(({ constants }) => {
    const { Emphasis } = constants;

Emphasis is a key/value object that provides the possible emphasis for a component.

Option Description Emphasis
Emphasis.primary Determines that the button should be displayed with a high emphasis. image
Emphasis.secondary Determines that the button should be displayed with a medium emphasis. image
Emphasis.dark Determines that the button should be displayed with a low emphasis. image


window.lumapps.customize(({ constants }) => {
    const { Kind } = constants;

Kind is a key/value object that provides the possible kinds for a component. Mostly used for the Message component.

Option Description Kind
Kind.info Determines that the message should be displayed with the kind info. image
Kind.success Determines that the message should be displayed with the kind success. image
Kind.error Determines that the message should be displayed with the kind error. image
Kind.warning Determines that the message should be displayed with the kind warning. image


window.lumapps.customize(({ constants }) => {
    const { Orientation } = constants;

Orientation is a key/value object that provides the possible orientations for a component. Mostly used for the FlexBox component.

Option Description Orientation
Orientation.horizontal Determines that components on the flexbox will be displayed horizontally one next to each other. image
Orientation.vertical Determines that components on the flexbox will be displayed vertically one next to each other. image


window.lumapps.customize(({ constants }) => {
    const { Size } = constants;

Size is a key/value object that provides the possible sizes for a component.



window.lumapps.customize(({ constants }) => {
    const { ThumbnailVariant } = constants;

ThumbnailVariant is a key/value object that provides the possible variants for a thumbnail

Option Description
ThumbnailVariant.squared Determines that thumbnail is displayed with a square border.
ThumbnailVariant.rounded Determines that thumbnail is displayed with a rounded border.



The render function allows to display components in a specific placement targetting a specific target. It has two use cases:

  • Render components without a context.
  • Render component with a context

The render function can be executed in order to create components that will be displayed in a given placement and target.

window.lumapps.customize(({ targets, components, render, placement, constants }) => {
    const { Message } = components;
    const { Kind } = constants;

        placement: placement.ABOVE,
        target: targets.PAGE,
         * Message has no relation with the context of the page.
        toRender: Message({
            className: 'general-message',
            kind: Kind.info,
            children: 'Message above all pages',
            hasBackground: true,

render is a function that allows rendering a component in a specific target and placement. The render function accepts an object with the following properties:

Option Description Is required? Option type Default Value
placement Where the custom component should be rendered at the specific target. Yes Placement undefined
target What section of the LumApps application is targeted by this customization. Yes Target undefined
targets What sections of the LumApps application are targeted by this customization. No List of Target undefined
toRender Single component or list of components that will be rendered at the target and placement. Only if toRenderWithContext is undefined Component or Component[] undefined
toRenderWithContext Same as toRender but expects a function that will receive additional context specific to the given target. Only if toRender is undefined Function undefined

Context compatible targets

If the target allows it, the toRenderWithContext properties allows to render a component using additionnal context.

The render function can be executed in order to create components that will be displayed in a given placement and target.

window.lumapps.customize(({ targets, components, render, placement, constants }) => {
    const { Card, Message } = components;
    const { Kind } = constants;

        placement: placement.ABOVE,
        target: targets.USER_PROFILE_ORG_CHART,
         * The card can use the displayed user's data.
        toRenderWithContext: (context) => {
            return Card({
                className: 'user-about-page__article',
                children: [
                        kind: Kind.info,
                        children: `Welcome to ${context.user.fullName}'s profile`,
                        hasBackground: true,

Here are the compatible targets and their received context:

Organization chart context

Option Description Option type
user The currently displayed user’s data. object

user options:

Option Description Option type
id The user’s id. string
primaryEmail The user’s email. string
profilePictureUrl The user’s profile picture. string
firstName The user’s first name. string
lastName The user’s last name. string
fullName The user’s full name, formatted using the current user’s locale. string

#### Widget

Option Description Option type
widget The currently displayed widget’s data. object


window.lumapps.customize(({ targets, components, render, placement, constants, session }) => {
    const { Message } = components;
    const { Kind } = constants;

        placement: placement.ABOVE,
        target: targets.PAGE,
        toRender: Message({
            className: 'general-message',
            kind: Kind.info,
            children: `Welcome ${session.user.firstName}!`,
            hasBackground: true,

The session object is a key/value object that allows obtaining information from the current user’s session. It is useful when the customizations that we are building need to be configured by the context in which they are executed


Contains information related to the current device used to display LumApps.

Option Description Option type
session.device.isSmall Whether the current device is a small (< 350px) device. boolean
session.device.isMobile Whether the current device is a mobile (>= 350px and < 480px) device. boolean
session.device.isDesktop Whether the current device is a desktop (>= 1024px and < 1280px) device. boolean
session.device.isWide Whether the current device is a wide ( >= 1280px) device. boolean


Contains information related to the current instance (also known as site).

Option Description Option type
session.instance.id ID of the current instance. string
session.instance.slug Slug of the current instance. string
session.instance.subtitle Subtitle of the current instance. Key/value object where the key is a language id and the value is the translation
session.instance.title Title of the current instance. Key/value object where the key is a language id and the value is the translation
session.instance.isDefaultInstance Whether the current instance is the default one. boolean
session.instance.publicContentAuthorized Whether the current instance allows public content or not. boolean
session.instance.langs List of the configured languages for the current instance. string[]
session.instance.name Name of the current instance. boolean
session.instance.logo Logo of the current instance. boolean
session.instance.parent Parent id of the current instance. boolean


Boolean that shows whether the current user is connected or not.


Id of the language currently used to display the site for the current user.


Contains information related to the current organization (also known as customer).

Option Description Option type
session.organization.id ID of the current organization. string
session.organization.slug Slug of the current organization. string
session.organization.name Name of the current organization. string
session.organization.enabledFeatures List of enabled features for the current organization. string[]


Contains information related to the current logged in user.

Option Description Option type
session.user.id ID of the current user. string
session.user.firstName First name of the current user. string
session.user.lastName Last name of the current user. string
session.user.fullName Full name of the current user. string
session.user.isAdmin Whether the current user is an admin of the current instance or not. boolean
session.user.instancesSuperAdmin Instances id where the current user is admin. string[]
session.user.isSuperAdmin Whether the current user is an admin of the current organization or not. boolean
session.user.lang Default language for the current user. string
session.user.langs Alternative languages for the current user. string[]
session.user.primaryEmail Primary email of the current user. string[]
session.user.profilePictureUrl Profile picture URL of the current user. string[]
session.user.emails Emails associated to the current user. Email[] where Email is { address: string; primary: boolean }


Contains two Promises, one for the main navigation and another one for the subnavigation, that allow to retrieve the navigation items displayed on the site. These promises are fulfilled once the data is retrieved by the LumApps web application.

Promise Description Returned type
session.navigations.getCurrent Retrieves a promise that fulfills with the information needed to render the main navigation of the site. If the main navigation inheritance feature is activated and the site has a parent site, this promise will return the data to render the site’s sub navigation. NavigationItem[]
session.navigations.getParent Retrieves a promise that fulfills with the information needed to render the parent navigation of the site. If the main navigation inheritance feature is activated and the site has a parent site, this promise will be defined. If that is not the case, then this promise will be null NavigationItem[]


Option Description Option type
navigationItem.id Navigation item id, which is the ID entered in the administration page. string
navigationItem.uid Navigation item UID. string
navigationItem.url Navigation item URL, which should be the URL printed on the link for this navigation item. string
navigationItem.title Key/value object where the key is a language id and the value is the title for the item in that language. Record<string, string>
navigationItem.parentInstance Id of the parent instance associated to this navigation item. string
navigationItem.className Navigation item class, which is the class entered in the administration. string
navigationItem.classes Navigation item classes, prefixed with main-nav__child--${class}. string[]  
navigationItem.hasItems Whether the navigation item has items as children of itself or not. boolean
navigationItem.isActive Whether one of the navigation item’s children is the current page or not. boolean
navigationItem.openInNewTab Whether the navigation item should be opened in a new tab or not. boolean
navigationItem.isCurrentUrl Whether the navigation item is the current URL or not. boolean
navigationItem.isVisible Whether the navigation item should be displayed or not. boolean
navigationItem.type The type of the current navigation item. string
navigationItem.items List of navigation items that have the current navigation item as a parent. NavigationItem[]
navigationItem.link Key/value where the key is a language id and the value is the external link for the item in that language. This value is not empty when the navigation item URL points to an external URL, outside of LumApps Record<string, string>
navigationItem.title Key/value where the key is a language id and the value is the title for the item in that language. This value contains the text that should be displayed on the navigation item. It takes into consideration the title of the item to display and if there is a specific override for that item’s title Record<string, string>
navigationItem.slug Key/value where the key is a language id and the value is the slug for the item in that language. Record<string, string>

on navigation

window.lumapps.customize(({ onNavigation }) => {
    onNavigation(({ currentPage }) => {
            page: currentPage,

onNavigation is a function that will be called on each navigation. It receives the following parameters:

  • currentPage: Id of the current page.

Limitations and best practices

  • This specific function should be used for tracking purposes as well as triggering other external services. It should not be used in combination with the render function, since this is not intended to work by design. Targets and placement should already help in rendering customizations on specific pages.

on widget rendered

window.lumapps.customize(({ onWidgetRendered }) => {
    onWidgetRendered((widget) => {
        // Retrieve data from the widget and execute additional customisations.

onWidgetRendered is a function that will be called each time a widget is rendered on the page. This callback is ideal if you need to trigger additional customisations for a specific widget across the entire platform, or if you need to communicate information between widgets.

The widget parameter will have basic information of the rendered widget, plus additional information depending on the widget type


Option Description Option type
widget.widgetId Unique ID for the rendered widget. string
widget.widgetType Widget type identifier string
widget.htmlId Widget identifier, which can be added via the editor, on the Style > Advanced > Identifier field string
widget.cssClass Widget css class, which includes a unique css class for the widget as well as the css class added via the editor string
widget.cssClass Widget css class, which includes a unique css class for the widget as well as the css class added via the editor string
widget.html If the widget is of type HTML, the HTML content will be available in this variable string
widget.items If the widget renders a list of items, those items will be available in this variable object[]

Limitations and best practices

  • LumApps widgets are rendered in a lazy fashion, meaning that they are rendered depending whether they are visible on your current viewport or not. This means that when you visit a content, onWidgetRendered will be executed for the widgets that are visible on the viewport, and when the user starts scrolling, onWidgetRendered will be executed after those widgets have loaded.
  • widget.items can contain information that you can use in order to retrieve information from the rendered items on the given widget. However, it is worth mentioning that these items ARE NOT stable and can suffer changes at any time. Please consider this while developing any of your features. Only the properties documented in this section are considered stable.
  • This function is only supported on contents compatible with our next gen interface (NGI) system


window.lumapps.customize(({ api }) => {
    api.get('...').then((response) => {


api is an Axios instance that allows executing XHR requests to both LumApps api’s as well as external APIs. If you want to query LumApps’s services, please take into consideration that URLs need to be relative rather than absolute. So for example, if your site’s URL is https://mysite.com and you want to query the CONTENT API in order to retrieve a specific content, you will need to use /_ah/api/lumsites/v1/content/get rather than https://mysite.com/_ah/api/lumsites/v1/content/get.

If you want to know which API you can use on LumApps, please take a look at the API documentation site.


window.lumapps.setText('search-box', {
    en: 'Explore',
    fr: 'Explorer',
    es: 'Explorar'

setText is a function located at the lumapps variable that allows to change the text of a specific component. It has two parameters:

  • The id of the component that we want to change the text for
  • A key/value object where the key is the id of the language and the value is the text to display on the component.

These are the possible components that can be changed:

  • search-box: will change the placeholder displayed on the Search box component on the top bar.

These are the available languages with their ids:

  • de: German
  • en: English
  • es: Spanish
  • fi: Finnish
  • fr: French
  • hu: Hungarian
  • it: Italian
  • ja: Japanese
  • nl: Dutch
  • pl: Polish
  • pt_br: Brazilian Portuguese
  • pt: Portuguese
  • ro: Romanian
  • ru: Russian
  • th: Thai
  • uk: Ukranian
  • vi: Vietnamese
  • zh_tw: Chinese Traditional
  • zh: Chinese Simplified



disable is a function located at the lumapps variable that allows to disable specific features of LumApps’s UI. This is extremely useful in order to avoid certain components to retrieve unnecessary information that we do not want to display on the site. It only accepts one parameter and that is the id of the component to disable.

These are the ids of the components that can be customized:



getCurrentContent: Function that returns the current content displayed on the page. Since this content changes between pages, this is not a variable but rather a function. Upon executing this function (const content = window.lumapps.getCurrentContent()), we will retrieve the following information of the current content:

Option Description Option type
id Id of the current content. string
slug Slug of the current content. key/value object where the key is a language id and the value is the slug of the content in that language
title Title of the current content. key/value object where the key is a language id and the value is the slug of the content in that language
author Email of the current content’s author. string
authorId Id of the current content’s author. string
canEdit Whether the current user can edit the content or not. string
customContentType Id of the current content’s type. string
type Type of content. page or community
isHomePage Whether the current content is the home page or not. boolean
loadedWidgets List of widgets currently loaded on the page, grouped by their id Record<string, object[]>

These are the current options that we support and maintain. Any other properties that might be returned when executing window.lumapps.getCurrentContent() are not guaranteed to be there in future releases of this API nor do we guarantee that they return stable values between navigations and pages.



getInternalUrl: Function that returns the relative LumApps URL for a given slug. For example, if you want to create a link that points towards a content that has the slug /content, creating an a with href="/content" won’t work, since LumApps URLs have several other slugs and prefixes in place. In order to obtain the relative LumApps URL, you need to execute the following code:

const url = window.lumapps.getInternalUrl('/content');


Allows displaying a notification at the bottom right hand side of the page. This notification will be displayed for 6 seconds and then it will be automatically hidden. It currently accepts two parameters:

  • kind: the kind of message displayed
  • message: the message to be displayed on the notification. This can be combined with session.language in order to display a different message in different languages.
window.lumapps.customize(({ session, constants }) => {
    const { language } = session;
    const { Kind } = constants;

    const message = {
        en: 'Success!',
        es: 'Éxito!',

    window.lumapps.displayNotification(Kind.success, message[language]);

CSS classes

Our Design System provides a set of classes that can be reused in order to style our components while maintaining a visual coherence with the rest of the site. These classes can be passed in when using the className option for each component, or when you are using the RawHTML component. These CSS classes need no custom CSS, they are available out-of-the-box. If you want to implement custom CSS, please take a look at that documentation here


Use spacing utility classes to add margins or paddings to elements.

  • Our spacing base unit metric is 8.
  • Classes are prefixed by lumx-spacing-margin for margin and lumx-spacing-padding for paddings.
  • The directions available for the spacing classes are top, right, bottom, and left.
  • You can use the vertical shortcut for both top and bottom, horizontal for both right and left, and nothing for all sides.
  • Use the tiny through huge scale to choose the size needed.
  • You can also use none as the size on any of the directions to enforce zero margin.

For example, this component has margins on the left (16px), top and bottom (8px) sides, but nothing to the right:


The CSS classes used for this are lumx-spacing-margin-vertical-big (which provides 8px of margin to top and bottom) and lumx-spacing-margin-left-huge (which provides 18px of margin to the left)

The same thing can be done to specify a padding for a component. For example, this component adds a padding of 24px to the component.


The CSS class used for this is lumx-spacing-padding-huge.

Sizes range from tiny to huge, where tiny is 4px, regular is 8px, big is 16px and huge is 24px.


There are also several CSS classes that can be used to specify the size of the text to be displayed.


<p class="lumx-typography-display1">Display 1</p>
<p class="lumx-typography-headline">Headline</p>
<p class="lumx-typography-title">Title</p>
<p class="lumx-typography-subtitle2">Subtitle 2</p>
<p class="lumx-typography-subtitle1">Subtitle 1</p>
<p class="lumx-typography-body2">Body 2</p>
<p class="lumx-typography-body1">Body 1</p>
<p class="lumx-typography-caption">Caption</p>
<p class="lumx-typography-overline">Overline</p>

Maximum width

LumApps web application has a maximum width for the components displayed, which can be noticed on the top bar components such as the navigation. In order to reuse this logic, you can use the css class customizations-wrapper in your components, which will then force the width of your customization to the exact same width as the other components of the site, while considering the application’s look and feel on smaller devices.

Without the class customizations-wrapper:


With the class customizations-wrapper:


Using icons

There are several components that have an option to configure a specific icon. On LumApps we use Material Design icons as the icons for our platform. The different icons that are available is quite extensive (around 4000+) and you can find icons and their IDs on the Material Design site. In order to retrieve the ID to be used on your customizations, you can go to the Material design site, click an icon and take a look at the details of the icon. A modal window will be displayed:


The ID is the modal’s title. In the example, it is ab-testing.