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Uploading a media¤

With the LumApps SDK¤

We provide a helper method to ease the process of uploading a media

from lumapps.api.base_client import BaseClient
client = BaseClient(token=<you_token>)

uploaded_media = client.upload_call("path_to_my_file")


To upload a media you will need to get an upload and then upload the media itself.

  1. Obtaining an upload url

    To do that you'll need to call the document/uploadUrl/get endpoint (Make sure that you include you bearer token in the Authorization headers)

    Here is an example of the payload to send

        "fileName": "Screenshot_2020-04-16 Design System.png",
        "shared": true,
        "success": "/upload",
        "parentPath": "provider=local/site=5414442267049984",
    The attributes are:

    • FileName : The name of the file has it will appear in the media library once uploaded
    • shared : Wether the file should be shared. If false the file will only be accessible to the user making the upload call (ie, the one authenticated by the token used in the call).
    • success: Leave it to success
    • parentPath: The path of where the media will be uploaded in the media library. If you want to upload in a specific folder, add /resource=<folder_id> at the end of path. See media path for more infos

    This will give you an uploadUrl to use next

  2. Uploading the media

    Now that you have an uploadUrl you will use it to send you file in a POST request (Make sure that you include you bearer token in the Authorization headers). This request in a regular multipart upload,

    response =
            upload_url, files={"upload-file": (name, file, mime_type)}

    If all goes well you should have successfully uploaded you file to the media library

Media path¤

In the LumApps library media are saved and retrieved via their path.

This path identifies where the media is situated either in the LumApps library itself, or in a gdrive or microsoft drive.

This path is of the form provider=<provider>/site=<site_id>/resource=<resource_id> and is called docPath or parentPath depending on the situation.

  • The provider can be local (lumapps media library), drive (google drive).
  • The site_id is the id of the LumApps site the media is on.
  • The resource_id is the id of the media.

The path is named docPath when you for instance retrieve the media and it identifies the media and is named parentPath when for instance you ask for an upload url and it identified where to upload.

Blob key¤

Upload an image and obtain the blob key¤

First upload your file Once uploaded the api return the uploaded media of the form

    "uid": "5278825007677440",
    "isFolder": false,
    "customContentTypeKey": null,
    "updatedAt": "2020-06-25T08:31:50.737799",
    "isStarred": null,
    "id": "5278825007677440",
    "createdAt": "2020-06-25T08:31:50.751663",
    "content": [
            "lang": "fr",
            "mimeType": "image/png",
            "uuid": "",
            "url": "",
            "type": "image",
            "size": 46667,
            "servingUrl": "",
            "value": "AMIfv95xFdNZT4x8ZCwYxVa4Ekr3hPU0ZRXJ_5na3mMJ_IwkfRW0-Vu-jY8DgPncGSq2UcAH-O_BnktwDOduHBccB8IgOCUQkoFv3WIzMH9FEOQVaX5uj7SA0BsdjPFdnqYKcOMRz4KPyBUPq66pXc3OpX3rycTxwQ",
            "height": 717,

The blob key is the value property in content

Obtain the blob key of an existing media¤

To obtain an existing blob key you have 2 main solutions

  1. Get the media (document/get or document/list) via API's and extract the key. In that case the key should be in content -> value

  2. Copy/paste it from the LumApps admin.

    For that go to the media library => find your media => click on the three dots => Obtain a link

    This should give you a link the image, the blob key is containned in that link, between two / and after server/

    (eg, x17K0wqFms2cLOCIYPSreUsDsTQPyjVVZGh-IOJxaxLmmz6IxnWw1W0HapKyrwAfJsmNQsLwg6wNnbOrLZdeJdsMgGt_GYiDSb0pr uLlkBn5toPLNK1Cd5gykYLu4UBEdgsvyksHOcwYxf6rUwSJGGD3vkL_C0tz_3If5vIPwo42nEAvIwU2Vx7WeI__cK9Tq2CooTSTn L37iMKBsPxuGNXYLVLEApbHGJBNtoKiT_tswmKsL8Ub3_TBrtSZIOhnjajucQCZDWDK0Gsx4R6K7zT7NcQtwA/tricot2.jpg)