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Regular widgets¤

Regular widgets are present in contents, communities and alike. They are in the template > components attribute and can be tricky to get to.

To help you with that the sdk expose a set of helpers to easly recuperate and modify widgets. You can find them in lumapps.api.helpers.widgets.

The two interresting helpers are find_widget and find_all_widgets.

For instance, if you want all widgets of type video present in content you can process as follow:

from lumapps.api.base_client import BaseClient
from lumapps.api.helpers.widgets import find_all_widgets

client = BaseClient(token="<your_token>")

# Get the content containing the widgets
content = client.get_call("content/get", uid="fake_id")

# Find all widgets having the property widgetType="video"
video_widgets = find_all_widgets(content, widgetType="video")

You can also use that to modify some widgets. For instance let say we want to modify a widget that we know has an uuid of 454673774, we would do as follow

from lumapps.api.base_client import BaseClient
from lumapps.api.helpers.widgets import find_all_widgets

client = BaseClient(token="<your_token>")

# Get the content containing the widgets
content = client.get_call("content/get", uid="fake_id")

# Find the widget that has the uuid 454673774
widget = find_widget(content, uuid="454673774")

widget["popertie"] = "new value"

client.get_call("content/save", body=content)

Global widgets¤

Global Widgets have one configuration that can be shared with many contents.

Global Widget

Global widgets have a dedicated api : ̀widget. with this api you can list, get and update global widgets.

Global widget list¤

Api widget/list, provide instance id

response = api.get_call("widget/list", instance=INSTANCE_ID)

# example
        "id": "6448894901878784",
        "uid": "6448894901878784",
        "instance": "5519565001981952",
        "customer": "4664706704080896",
        "widgetType": "html",
        "uuid": "7ea7407f-149e-489f-b00f-86f49512f555",
        "title": {
            "en": "Global Widget"
        "properties": {
            "style": {
                "footer": {},
                "header": {}
            "content": {
                "en": "<p>global html widget content</p>"
            "popin": {
                "en": ""
            "stylesMigrated": true,
            "global": {
                "isNew": true,
                "title": {
                    "en": "Global html widget"
        "isMainWidget": false,
        "enabled": false,
        "isOverride": false,
        "isGlobal": true,
        "required": false,
        "status": "LIVE"

Global widget get¤

Api widget/get, provide widget uid

response = api.get_call('widget/get', uid="6448894901878784")

# example

    "id": "6448894901878784",
    "uid": "6448894901878784",
    "instance": "5519565001981952",
    "customer": "4664706704080896",
    "widgetType": "html",
    "uuid": "7ea7407f-149e-489f-b00f-86f49512f555",
    "title": {
        "en": "Global Widget"
    "properties": {
        "style": {
            "footer": {},
            "header": {}
        "content": {
            "en": "<p>global html widget content</p>"
        "popin": {
            "en": ""
        "stylesMigrated": true,
        "global": {
            "isNew": true,
            "title": {
                "en": "Global html widget"
    "isMainWidget": false,
    "enabled": false,
    "isOverride": false,
    "isGlobal": true,
    "required": false,
    "status": "LIVE"

global widget save¤

Api widget/save, provide the widget object in the body

# First get the object
widget = api.get_call('widget/get', uid="6448894901878784")

# update some properties
widget['properties']['content']['en'] = "<p>updated content</p>"

# save
saved_widget = api.get_call('widget/save', body=widget)